PREGY Standard board (PREGYPLAC)

Thickness: 6mm - 10mm- 12.5mm- 15mm.
Appearance: Ivory on the Front and grey on the back.
(Comply with EN 520 Type A)

PREGY Water Resistant board (PREGYDRO)

Thickness : 12.5mm - 15mm- 18mm- 18mm Twin.
Appearance: Green on both faces.
(Comply with EN 520 Type H2)

PREGY Fire Check board (PREGYFLAM)

Thickness : 12.5mm- 15mm.
Appearance: Pink on the Front and grey on the back.
(Comply with EN 520 Type F)

PREGY Sound Check board (PREGYPLAC dB)

Thickness : 12.5mm.
Appearance: Blue on the Front and grey on the back.
(Comply with EN 520 Type D & l)

PREGY High Impact board (PREGYDUR)

Thickness : 12.5mm - 15mm- 18mm.
Appearance: Yellow on the Front and grey on the back.
(Comply with EN 520 Type D)

PREGYWAB Moisture & Mold Resistant (Acquaboard)

Thickness : 12.5mm- 15mm- 18 mm.
Appearance: Orange on both faces.
(Comply with EN 15283-1 : RN 15283 Type GL, H1 l )

PREGY Xtra Fire Resistant board (PREGYFEU A1)

Thickness : 12.5mm- 15mm- 25 mm.
Appearance: White on both faces.
(Comply with BS EN 520 Type D & l)


Thickness : 18mm.
Appearance: Yellow on the Front and grey on the back.
(Comply with EN 520 l)

Ladura board

Thickness : 12.5mm- 15mm.
Appearance: White Grey on both faces.
(Comply with BS EN 520: 2005 type D,E,F,H1,l &R)


PREGYBEL is a range of perforated plasterboards which combine sound absorption performance with an aesthetic design.
PREGYBEL is mainly used in ceiling applications in retail centers, offices, apartments, hospitals, schools, showrooms, auditoriums, cinemas and galleries to provide a high quality environment.
  • Available in a 2400 mm length
  • Available in a 1200 mm width
  • Provided in a thickness of 12.5mm
PREGYBEL appearance is Perforated pre-coated white paper on the Front and Glass veil on the back.
With its high quality appearance, all of the designs of PREGYBEL benefits consist of the management of the acoustic environment by absorption and reflection.
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